Friday, February 27, 2009


Tajuk di atas adalah salah satu artikel yang ditulis oleh Dr. Aidh Abdullah Al-Qarni. kita sering mendambakan kebahagiaan dan ketenangan. fitrah manusia adalah seorang pelupa. jarang sekali tatkala senang dan bahagia kita mengingati ALLAH.dalam sedar atau tidak, kita lebih suka menyebut: 'ah nasib baik aku sampai awal/ nasib baik kau ada etc".kenapa kita sangat sukar nak ucapkan satu AYAT itu bagi menunjukkan rasa terima kasih kita kepada ALLAH. aku pun kadang2 cam gitu.lemahnya iman lebih nipis dari kulit bawang.adakah hidup ini hanya lakonan semata-mata??benarkah apa yang diwar2kan tu?dunia sebgai pentas lakonan dan kita adalah pelakonnya??

Thursday, February 26, 2009

WHERE ARE WE? would be great if i am confident like our ex-prime minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir. i love the way he talks. it looks so natural yet convincing other people. lately, i'm following his blog quite often. there were some political issues, social issues and so forth. i am really interested with a comment that was sent by one of Tun's blog viewers. i didn't remember his name. he qouted a words by Hitler: "I can kill all the Jews but i left some behind so that you will know why i killed them." what things that crossed in my mind was;"if the Jews have been demolished,is it mean that it was the last day that the earth stood still?" this really made me to think twice... nevertheless, it was already stated in Quran (Al-Baqarah;120) - "The Jews and Christians will never pleased on you unless you had following them". it was already obvious/apparent to us with the nature of these peoples. we can hear what they said but can we trus them??? .they were expressing their symphaty to Palestinians for instance,but they didn't do anything to ensure the palestinians were FREE. they never meant to what they have said..for example,they said they are anti-discrimination.but what they had done on 13th september issue? Islam is terrorism, right?nevertheless, they never mention the Jews were the real terrorist! on the other side, they have manipulating us. either we realized or not, we have been attacked for a few decades a go. just look at our new generations. you don't have to walk far. the answer is just in front of this the generation that will continue our heritage?i am afraid so. Please..... Wake up my friends.we'd left behind.either education or technology,they are better than us! what we have? we always forgot about one thing. We have ALLAH SWT, THE MOST GRACIOUS AND THE MOST MERCIFUL. last but not least, once you were afraid of other people, then you would be conquered by them.otherwise,when you are afraid to ALLAH most, then other people would afraid of you. think about it!


Allah SWT selesai menciptakan Jibrailas dengan bentuk yang cantik, danAllah menciptakan pula baginya 600sayap yang panjang , sayap itu antara timur dan barat (ada pendapat lain menyatakan 124, 000 sayap). Setelah itu Jibrail as memandang dirinya sendiridan berkata:"Wahai Tuhanku, adakah engkau menciptakan makhluk yang lebih baik daripada aku?."Lalu Allah swt berfirman yangbermaksud.. "Tidak"Kemudian Jibrail as berdiri serta solat dua rakaat kerana syukur kepadaAllah swt. dan tiap-tiap rakaat itu lamanya 20,000 tahun. Setelah selesai Jibrail as solat, maka Allah SWT berfirman yangbermaksud. "Wahai Jibrail, kamu telah menyembah aku dengan ibadah yang bersungguh-sungguh, dan tidak ada seorang pun yang menyembah kepadaku seperti ibadat kamu, akan tetapi diakhir zaman nanti akan datang seorang nabi yang mulia yang paling aku cintai,namanya Muhammad.' Dia mempunyai umat yang lemah dan sentiasa berdosa,sekiranyamereka itu mengerjakan solat dua rakaat yang hanya sebentar sahaja, dan mereka dalam keadaan lupa serta serba kurang, fikiran mereka melayang bermacam-macam dan dosa mereka pun besar juga. Maka demi kemuliaann Ku dan ketinggianKu, sesungguhnya solat mereka itu aku lebih sukai dari solat mu itu. Kerana mereka mengerjakan solat atas perintahKu, sedangkan kamu mengerjakan solat bukan atas perintahKu."Kemudian Jibrail as berkata: "YaTuhanku, apakah yang Engkau hadiahkan kepada mereka sebagai imbalan ibadat mereka?"Lalu Allah berfirman yang bermak!sud. "Ya Jibrail, akan Aku berikan syurga Ma'waa sebagai tempat tinggal..."Kemudian Jibrail as meminta izin kepada Allah untuk melihat syurgaMa'waa. Setelah Jibrail as mendapat izin dari Allah SWT maka pergilah Jibrail as dengan mengembangkan sayapnya dan terbang, setiap dia mengembangkan dua sayapnya dia boleh menempuh jarak perjalanan 3000 tahun, terbanglah malaikat jibrail as selama 300 tahun sehingga ia merasa letih dan lemah dan akhirnya dia turun singgah berteduh di bawah bayangan sebuah pohon dan dia sujud kepada Allah SWT lalu ia berkata dalam sujud:"Ya Tuhanku apakah sudah aku menempuhjarak perjalanan setengahnya, atau sepertiganya, atau seperempatnya? "Kemudian Allah swt berfirman yangbermaksud. "Wahai Jibrail, kalau kamu dapat terbang selama 3000 tahun dan meskipun aku memberikan kekuatan kepadamu seperti kekuatan yang engkau miliki, lalu kamu terbang seperti yang telah kamu lakukan, nescaya kamu tidak akan sampai kepada sepersepuluh dari beberapa perpuluhan yang telah kuberikan kepada umat Muhammad terhadap imbalan solat dua rakaat yang mereka kerjakan..... . "Marilah sama2 kita fikirkan dan berusaha lakukan... Sesungguhnya AllahS.W.T telah menyembunyikan enam perkara iaitu : * Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan redha-Nya dalam taat. * Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan murka-Nya di dalam maksiat. * Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan nama-Nya yang Maha Agung di dalamAl-Quran. * Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan Lailatul Qadar di dalam bulan Ramadhan. * Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan solat yang paling utama di dalam solat(yang lima waktu). * Allah S.W.T telah menyembunyikan(tarikh terjadinya) hari kiamat didalam semua hari.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A friend to be remembered

it was already twelve years passed since the day he moved to the other place. i didn't see him for the last time. i afraid i would cry. it embarrassing! he is my classmate, my neighbour and the most important is he was my best friend that i have ever had that time. when i was in primary school, i didn't make lot of friends. most of the time, i'll be with my sister. during i was in standard 4, i was called as "alien". because i don't talked to them and even sometimes my teacher didn't realize my existence either. that made me sad. on that time, my self esteem was very low due to some reasons that i think unnecessary to be mentioned here. until one day on 1995. 'Acapan' came to my school. 'acapan' was his nickname that i gave to him. in return, he called me apple because of the scar on my cheek. at the first time, i didn't like him because he like to tease me and he loves made stupid jokes. i didn't realize when he became my best friend. 1997, his family had to move. i was alone again. p/s: to Acapan, if you read this blog, please keep in touch. hopefully you still remember me.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

world surround us?

WORLD SURROUND US...hmmm..well no one is really alone in this world.since we are baby, our mom had been with us for nine months.those lucky will stay longer with their mother even with their entire family. A FAMILY to give them love. a place for the children to know their GOD . ..nevertheless, there are still 'live corpses' in this world.they are breath withoul 'soul'.they are looking without 'eyes'.they said they are caring and sympathize but they are heartless..these corpses really made this world breathless..totally demolish the role model for younger generation.
i am wonder where would those youngsters will be hang on??? to the parents that are lose their own way?their friends?
these corpses are pretty busy with the world.fighting each other just because of pride and power.not realize the enemy's weapon was slowly destroying the believe and culture among youngsters.morality is just being a time and places...look at iraqis and the age of 10 they already fight for their own independence..they are too young to understand their surrounding but they are matured enough than the adult.they are trying to protect their own land.but what the adult do???they are keep fighting each other! ego! selfish! it seem very hard to see the soladarity among them. Everyone is thinking about their own sake.. WHERE IS THE LOVE AMONG MUSLIM??

my first blog :)

  1. well this is my first day and my first writing at this page.
  2. actually this blog is one of my task that i need to complete in order to make up for tech and inovasion class.hehehe..
  3. well i guese it all for now..i have no idea what should i write just now...huhuhu